A Primer on Data Visualization

The goal of visualization is insight, not numbers. Interactive data visualization tools provide researchers with remarkable capabilities to support discovery from Big Data and Small Data resources. Users can begin with an overview, zoom in on areas of interest, filter out unwanted items, and then click for details-on-demand.  Data Science initiatives and commercial success stories, plus widespread use by prominent media, business, medical, and other websites have made visualization a key technology that empowers users to explore multi-dimensional, temporal, hierarchical, and network data.

Researchers, educators, and students in every field can use interactive data visualization tools to:

  • Improve data quality by effective detection of faulty data, missing data, unusual distributions, and anomalies,
  • Perform more thorough data analyses that produce profounder insights, and
  • Develop richer understandings that enable users to ask bolder questions.

The talk shows many examples and closes with 8 Golden Rules for data visualization.

Go here for more information and to RSVP!https://dfp.ubc.ca/news-and-events/events/rescheduled-february-12-primer-data-visualization