Applying to Cognitive Systems

B.Sc. students wishing to declare a COGS major should apply through the Faculty of Science’s coordinated admissions process. 

B.A. students wishing to declare a COGS major should apply to the program directly during the yearly intake period (February – May 15, for September entry into the program).  

B.A. students wishing to transfer from another major into any COGS specialization, and B.Sc. students wishing to transfer from another major into the Cognition and Brain specialization of COGS should also apply to the program directly during the yearly intake period.
Because the total number of students that can be accommodated in the program is limited, students wishing to transfer into a COGS degree at a later point in their studies can only be admitted when other students have transferred out of COGS. 

B.Sc. students wishing to transfer from another major into the Computational Intelligence and Design specialization of COGS should reach out to the Computer Science department 

Please Note:

  • By policy, previous admission averages will not be shared with applicants.  
  • For B.A. applications submitted through the COGS website, you will not rank your preferred specializations. Please submit only one application, and select the one specialization you are most interested in. The specialization specified in your application will have no bearing on its evaluation. 
  • If you have questions about the application process, please ensure you have reviewed Admission Requirements,Application Instructions, Application Evaluation, and theFAQ prior to contacting COGS advising.